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라벨이 fda인 게시물 표시

FDA Warns Against Tainted Human Body Parts

FDA Warns Against Tainted Human Body Parts The FDA said  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says bacteria and other health contaminants were found in human tissue products made by a top supplier to hospitals in the U.S. and around the world, and threatened a recall or other action if the firm fails to clean up its methods. Inspectors found apparent widespread bacterial and fungal contamination at one of the processing facilities of Florida-based RTI Biologics, the world’s largest publicly traded tissue processor. NBC News reported this week on the FDA’s formal warning. RTI told NBC that “the issuance of the warning letter has no impact on patient safety.” RTI’s business in human body parts was part of an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists last July into the $1 billion trade in skin, bone and tissues which are turned each year into medical devices implanted in an estimated 1 million patients. ICIJ’s four-p