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4월 28, 2013의 게시물 표시

[긴급]전국민 독도는 우리땅! 동시 함성대회를 개최한다고 합니다.

 독도지킴 국민 행동본부 이찬 석 저는 정말 부족한 사람입니다. 앞서 언론에 밝혔다시피 자고 일어나면 스스로 부끄럽고 초라한 모습에 매일 매일 후회하고 가슴 아파 하는 사람입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 온 국민이 일치단결하여 동시함성을 외치는 것이 일본을 정신 차리게 하는 방안이 된다는 판단에 따라 자격 없음에도 무작정 길을 나섰습니다. 우리 국민이 하나로 뭉쳐서 동시함성을 지른다니 그게 어떻게 가능한일인가! 공상이고 망상이야! 우리가 언제 하나로 뭉친 적이 있나 우리는 안돼! 괜히 힘 빼지 말고 사업이나 하라는 것이 대부분의 의견이었습니다. 부끄럽지 않은 뜻을 세웠기에 스스로 부족함에 안주하지 않고 본 대회를 성공시키기 위해서 밤낮없이 달려 왔습니다. 대한민국사람으로서 한번쯤은 나라를 위해 봉사해야 한다는 확고한 신념에 기대면서 달려가는 도중. 애국지사와 같은 기자님들의 참여로 인하여 본 대회는 많은 국민들의 참여를 예고하고 있습니다. 독도... 대한민국 국민이라면 누구나 다 알고 있는 부분입니다. 나하나쯤 이라는 생각을 버리시고 우리 영토 지키는데 동참하는것이  어떨까 싶은 생각이 드네요. 마음 속으로만 우리땅 하지말고 이제는 행동으로 다가서야 하는 부분이라 생각합니다. 정부 관계자도 마찬가지 이며, 말로만 우리땅 하지말고  아무리 약소국가 라고 해도 지킬건 지켜야 한다 생각하고 자원이 많다고 하면 그 자원을 어떻게 활용하는지 그냥 자원이 많다가 아니고 응용하여 서둘러 개발을 한다면 세계 어느나라에서 보아도 저 지역은 대한민국의 땅이구나 라고 생각이 들게 되겠죠.

Swiss Bank Pushed Offshore Middleman to Skip Anti-Money Laundering Checks for Wealthy Clients

Swiss Bank Pushed Offshore Middleman to Skip Anti-Money Laundering Checks for Wealthy Clients Clariden, part of Credit Suisse, sought highly secretive structures for some clients. In December 2006, an official at Switzerland’s Clariden Bank, part of Credit Suisse, contacted the Singapore office of the offshore services firm Portcullis TrustNet to discuss a sensitive question. The banker wanted TrustNet’s help administering an offshore company based in the British Virgin Islands and owned by a group of wealthy private-equity investors, according to internal TrustNet emails obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. In the sprawling offshore world, it wasn’t unusual for a bank in one country to ask a service provider in a far-off place to oversee a company based in yet another jurisdiction. But the request came with a wrinkle: Clariden didn’t want to disclose to TrustNet the identities of its clients. Law requires middlemen like TrustNet to ver

9 The world’s most widely smuggled legal substance

The world’s most widely smuggled legal substance The illicit trafficking of tobacco is a multibillion-dollar business, fueling organized crime and corruption, robbing governments of needed tax money, and spurring addiction to a deadly product. So profitable is the trade that tobacco is the world’s most widely smuggled legal substance. This booming business now stretches from counterfeiters in China and renegade factories in Russia to Indian reservations in New York and warlords in Pakistan and North Africa. It began with a basic mathematical equation: In 1995 two scholars in Europe found that almost one-third of the world’s cigarette exports had simply vanished. Somehow, billions of cigarettes, once exported, had mysteriously gotten lost in transit. Only it wasn’t that mysterious. Starting in 1999, a team of reporters from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists pored over thousands of internal industry documents and uncovered how leading tobacco comp

FDA Warns Against Tainted Human Body Parts

FDA Warns Against Tainted Human Body Parts The FDA said  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says bacteria and other health contaminants were found in human tissue products made by a top supplier to hospitals in the U.S. and around the world, and threatened a recall or other action if the firm fails to clean up its methods. Inspectors found apparent widespread bacterial and fungal contamination at one of the processing facilities of Florida-based RTI Biologics, the world’s largest publicly traded tissue processor. NBC News reported this week on the FDA’s formal warning. RTI told NBC that “the issuance of the warning letter has no impact on patient safety.” RTI’s business in human body parts was part of an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists last July into the $1 billion trade in skin, bone and tissues which are turned each year into medical devices implanted in an estimated 1 million patients. ICIJ’s four-p