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9 The world’s most widely smuggled legal substance

The world’s most widely smuggled legal substance

The illicit trafficking of tobacco is a multibillion-dollar business, fueling organized crime and corruption, robbing governments of needed tax money, and spurring addiction to a deadly product. So profitable is the trade that tobacco is the world’s most widely smuggled legal substance. This booming business now stretches from counterfeiters in China and renegade factories in Russia to Indian reservations in New York and warlords in Pakistan and North Africa.
It began with a basic mathematical equation: In 1995 two scholars in Europe found that almost one-third of the world’s cigarette exports had simply vanished. Somehow, billions of cigarettes, once exported, had mysteriously gotten lost in transit.
Only it wasn’t that mysterious. Starting in 1999, a team of reporters from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists pored over thousands of internal industry documents and uncovered how leading tobacco companies were colluding with criminal networks to divert cigarettes to the world’s black markets. Big Tobacco was doing it for profit — to boost sales and gain market share — as it avoided billions of dollars in taxes while recruiting growing numbers of smokers around the globe. The tobacco industry, as it turned out, did not merely turn a blind eye to the smuggling — it managed the trade at the highest corporate levels.
Those revelations, and others that followed, helped lead to government inquiries, lawsuits, and promises of a global treaty to crack down on the illicit cigarette trade. Since 2004, two major tobacco companies, Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International, have agreed to pay a combined $1.65 billion to the European Community and 10 member states to settle litigation that would have further exposed their involvement in cigarette smuggling. They have also committed publicly to help fight trafficking in tobacco. Similarly, this July, Canada’s two largest cigarette companies, Imperial Tobacco Canada and Rothmans Inc., pleaded guilty to aiding smuggling during the early 1990s; they are to pay a combined $1.12 billion, the largest such penalties ever levied in Canada.
Yet, despite the exposés, the lawsuits, and the settlements, the massive trade in contraband tobacco continues unabated. Indeed, with profits rivaling those of narcotics, and relatively light penalties, the business is fast reinventing itself. Once dominated by Western multinational companies, cigarette smuggling has expanded with new players, new routes, and new techniques. Today, this underground industry ranges from Chinese counterfeiters that mimic Marlboro holograms to perfection, to Russian-owned factories that mass produce brands made exclusively to be smuggled into Western Europe. In Canada, the involvement of an array of criminal gangs and Indian tribes pushed seizures of contraband tobacco up 16-fold between 2001 and 2006. “The big companies know that to some extent the golden period of smuggling is gone,” observes Belgium-based sociologist Luk Joossens, a World Health Organization expert on tobacco smuggling and co-author of the 1995 study that first alerted the world that billions of exported cigarettes had gotten lost in transit. “You have still the normal small-scale smuggling, but you also have counterfeit production, illicit manufacturing. . . and a lot of small companies that are involved. So the whole area of illicit trade has become much more complex.” Joossens also said that while Big Tobacco’s participation in cigarette smuggling in Western Europe and North America has largely been curtailed, the situation remains murky in Africa and other developing areas of the world.
In late June 2009, smuggling experts, customs officials, and diplomats from an estimated 160 countries gathered in Geneva, Switzerland, to push for what has eluded governments for decades: a global crackdown on the black market in tobacco. Under the auspices of the WHO’s three-year-old Framework Convention on Tobacco Control — a global treaty to curb tobacco use — delegates worked to implement a protocol to stop cigarette smuggling. But the proposed measures face plenty of challenges, with some countries showing limited concern over the issue, while others, including the United States, have so far refused to ratify the FCTC altogether.
Organized crime syndicates and terrorist groups such as the Taliban rely on cigarette smuggling to help finance their activities.
The stakes are formidable. Experts estimate that contraband accounts for 12 percent of all cigarette sales, or about 657 billion sticks annually. The cost to governments worldwide is massive: a whopping $40 billion in lost tax revenue annually. Ironically, it is those very taxes — slapped on packs to discourage smoking — that may help fuel the smuggling, along with lax enforcement and heavy supply. (A pack of a leading Western brand that costs little more than $1 in a low-duty country like Ukraine can sell for up to $10 in the U.K.) That potential profit offers a strong incentive to smugglers.
But it is more than lost revenue that is at risk. Illicit tobacco feeds an underground economy that supports many of the most violent actors on the world stage. Organized crime syndicates and terrorist groups such as the Taliban and Hezbollah facilitate global distribution and use the profits to finance their activities. In Canada alone, police believe that 105 organized crime groups are engaged in the illicit tobacco trade, including motorcycle gangs and the Italian Mafia. Criminal organizations “are doing more than just smuggling cigarettes,” notes John W. Colledge, who oversaw international tobacco smuggling programs at the U.S. Customs Service between 1999 and 2002. “They are engaged in human, drugs, and weapons trafficking.”
Perhaps even more troubling is the impact that smuggling has on the public health crisis caused by tobacco. Worldwide, one out of 10 adults dies prematurely from tobacco-related diseases such as lung cancer, emphysema, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. If current trends hold, tobacco will kill about 500 million people currently alive. By 2030, that figure will reach 8 million deaths a year, and with cigarettes being heavily marketed in poorer countries, 80 percent of those deaths will be in the developing world. Over the 21st century, say health experts, an estimated one billion people could die from tobacco use.
At a time when nations are increasingly trying to crack down on smoking, smugglers put cheap cigarettes into the hands of those most vulnerable — young people and the poor. In addition, the trade is pushing the supply steadily into the black market, selling cut-rate cigarettes of often dubious quality. Of special concern is the advent of a massive counterfeiting industry. Once a minor problem, today underground factories in China, Paraguay, and Eastern Europe manufacture literally billions of fake cigarettes — Marlboros, Camels, 555s, Mild Sevens — an uncontrolled industry that law enforcement is only beginning to grapple with. Many of the smokes are made from the lowest quality tobacco, full of stem and sawdust, and spiked with unusually high levels of nicotine. Other packs contain far worse. Tests reveal that counterfeit cigarettes carry a bevy of products that could further shorten even a heavy smoker’s life: metals such as cadmium, pesticides, arsenic, rat poison, and human feces.
Despite the stakes, cigarette smuggling remains a tough crime to investigate and prosecute. Factories are set up in regions of the world with weak controls and high levels of corruption, such as the crime-ridden Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, Guangdong province in China, and South America’s notorious Tri-border area between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. The distribution systems are complex, the smuggling routes circuitous and hard to track.
Pilcomayo River Argentine security forces arrest smugglers trying to ship cigarettes across the Pilcomayo River from Paraguay.
Smugglers take advantage of an “in transit” system used in free trade zones and other shipping centers, which allows for temporary tax suspension while the tobacco is en route to a third country. As a result of lax controls, cigarettes get “lost” along the way, with huge numbers failing to arrive at their intended destination.
Cigarettes, for example, may sit for weeks in free trade zones in Panama or Dubai until they are sold. Then they pass quickly through multiple buyers in a short period of time, complicating efforts to identify where “leakages” occur. On occasion, cigarettes are even illegally sold at sea, where vessels offload them to smaller boats that take them to shore.
In the Balkans, they are sold by the trunk-load to smugglers who line their cars up at the borders of the European Union. And in the United States, tobacco suppliers ship millions of the tax-free smokes to Indian reservations, where they are unloaded to smugglers, bootleggers, and online merchants.
Counterfeit cigarettes have tested positive for a range of dangerous ingredients, from arsenic to rat poison.
Resourceful smugglers hide contraband cigarettes in an industrial-size yogurt mixer. Credit: Guardia di Finanza.
Despite its broad impact on health, crime, and taxes, tobacco smuggling receives strikingly little attention from authorities. Lenient sentences are the norm; in some countries, cigarette smuggling is not even considered a crime.
Nor is it a priority for law enforcement agencies, even in the West, which spend the majority of their resources tackling drug, arms, and terrorism cases. In the United States, for example, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives devotes a paltry 2 percent of its personnel and budget to tobacco programs.
Seven years after its original series on tobacco smuggling, ICIJ assembled a new team of reporters to illuminate this shadowy transnational business. Based on reporting from 15 countries, our new project looks at the influence of organized crime and terrorist groups, as well as the continued complicity of distributors, wholesalers, and tobacco companies themselves. Since 2008, the series has exposed the billion-dollar smuggling of Russian-made Jin Ling cigarettes to the European Union; the involvement of North American Indian reservations in a massive black market in Canada and the United States; and the alleged role of Montenegro Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic in a decade-long smuggling scheme with the Italian Mafia.
Here, then, is ICIJ’s latest series of articles. Among our findings:
Terrorism and Tobacco: Extremists, Insurgents Turn to Cigarette Smuggling. Terrorists are increasingly turning to cigarette smuggling for funding. The move is part of a larger trend toward use of criminal rackets by terrorists, who find trafficking in cigarettes a high-profit, low-risk way to finance operations. Among the groups are Pakistan’s Taliban militias, for whom cigarettes are now second only to heroin as a funding source.
China’s Marlboro Country: A Massive Underground Industry Makes China the World Leader in Counterfeit Cigarettes. China now produces an unprecedented 400 billion counterfeit cigarettes annually. Cheap Chinese fakes are now sold in major cities worldwide, from New York delis to London storefronts. Officials believe China is the source of 99 percent of U.S. counterfeit cigarettes and up to 80 percent of those in the European Union. Lab tests reveal the Chinese counterfeits release 80 percent more nicotine and 130 percent more carbon monoxide than brand-name cigarettes, and have impurities that include insect eggs and human feces.
Smuggling Made Easy: Landlocked Paraguay Emerges as a Top Producer of Contraband Tobacco. Paraguay’s renegade factories produce more than 20 times what the country consumes, and are now responsible for 10 percent of the world’s contraband tobacco, experts estimate. The vast majority of the cigarettes — up to 90 percent of production, worth an estimated $1 billion — disappears into an often violent black market, law enforcement officials say.
Ukraine’s “Lost” Cigarettes Flood Europe: Big Tobacco’s Overproduction Feeds $2 Billion Black Market. Each year, the world’s four top multinational tobacco companies — Philip Morris International, Japan Tobacco International, Imperial Tobacco, and British American Tobacco — produce and import 30 billion cigarettes in Ukraine beyond what the country can consume, fueling a $2 billion black market that reaches across the European Union. Today, Ukraine is rivaled only by Russia as the top source of non-counterfeit cigarettes smuggled to Europe.
You can help. Have a tip on the illicit tobacco trade? Send ideas to icijtobacco@icij.org.
Marina Walker Guevara is deputy director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, a project of the Center for Public Integrity.
The Center for Public Integrity relies on grants and donations to support its work. The ICIJ Tobacco Underground project is generously supported by a grant from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In addition, organizational support is provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, Greenlight Capital LLC Employees, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Park Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and other generous institutional and individual donors. The Tobacco Underground project is also grateful for pro bono assistance from PIERS (Port Import Export Reporting Service), the primary source of U.S. waterborne import-export trade data.


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[더 리뷰] (주)앙스모드 안윤정 대표 글로벌 패션브랜드

(주)앙스모드 안윤정 대표 글로벌 패션브랜드 트렌드 선도하는 고감도 디자인으로 세계시장 향해 자신의 색깔을 잊지 않고, 끊임없이 디자인 연구해와  한국을 대표하는 디자이너이자 여성 경영자인 안윤정 디자이너는 고감도 여성 브랜드인 앙스모드와 사라 등을 이끌어 왔다. 1975년 주문복 제조와 판매를 목적으로 한 ‘안윤정 부티크’를 시작으로 30여 년간 한국 패션업계를 대표해 온 그녀는 매년 각종 패션쇼에 참가하며 식지 않는 열정을 자랑한다.   안윤정 대표의 첫 패션쇼는 1978년 조선호텔에서 열렸다. 이후 서울컬렉션, OSAKA 박람회, 파리 INTERNATIONAL 패션쇼, 중국 DALIAN INTERNATIONAL GARMENT FAIR 등 각종 국제 박람회와 패션쇼에 참여하며 우리나라의 패션과 문화를 세계에 알리는데 일조해 왔다. 현재에도 논현동 사옥의 연구소와 개인 집무실에서 매년 다양한 컬렉션을 준비하는 안 대표는 여성경제인협회 회장, 패션디자이너협회 회장 등을 역임하며 바쁜 행보를 이어가고 있다. “디자이너는 쇼를 열어야 한다”라고 말하는 그녀는 16년 간 한 번도 빠지지 않고 패션쇼를 진행해 왔다. 그러나 최근 들어 패션쇼의 필요성에 대한 논의가 지속되며 장소가 협소해지거나 옮겨 열리는 상황이 펼쳐지고 있다. 이에 안 대표는 “패션쇼가 열리는 장소 자체가 고정이 되어 있어야 해외 바이어 및 거래 업체들이 한국의 패션쇼와 컬렉션에 관심을 갖고 고정 고객으로 한국을 찾게 된다”며 패션쇼의 중요성을 피력했다. 또한 패션 사업이 고부가가치 산업임에도 불구하고 정부의 지원과 투자가 매우 부족하다. 정부의 지원에 힘입어 디자이너와 출신 국가가 함께 알려지면 국가 브랜드를 제고할 수 있음은 당연지사. 전 세계에서 쉽게 찾아 볼 수 있는 패션쇼장 과 컬렉션 장이 우리나라에도 필요한 실정이다.   자신만의 색깔을 잊지 않고 업그레이드 시켜와 안 대표의 의상은 롯데백화점 본점에 ‘앙스모드’를

[더리뷰] (주)구구스 유통구조의 혁신으로 명품의 대중화를 선언하다

유통구조의 혁신으로 명품의 대중화를 선언하다 구구스만의 특별한 서비스로 명품 구매에서 AS까지 누구나 갖고 싶어 하는 명품, 이제 명품에도 ‘대중화’ 바람이 불고 있다. 국내 명품 시장이 4조 원대로 커지면서 온라인쇼핑몰 업계가 명품 판매를 본격화하고 있다. 그러나 그간 온라인에서 판매되는 명품은 군소 수입업자에 의해 유통되는 병행수입과 개개인별 판매자들이 오픈 마켓이나 경매 사이트에 제품을 올려 판매하는 형태가 주를 이뤄 이른바 ‘짝퉁’ 시비가 끊이질 않았다. 이에 국내 최대의 중고명품 전문회사인 (주)구구스는 명품의 새로운 유통문화를 선도하고 있어 주목받는다. 구구스의 이기훈 대표는 지속적인 성장과 중고명품 시장의 확대를 위해 다양한 사업의 다각화를 추진하고 있다. ‘Good-Goods’라는 뜻으로 ‘좋은 제품, 좋은 서비스’를 제공하겠다는 의지를 담고 있는 구구스는 전국 12개의 오프라인 매장을 비롯한 다양한 서비스 채널을 확보하고 믿을 수 있는 서비스를 제공하는 명품기업이다. 전 세계적인 위조품 시장 문제 이 대표는 “월스트리트저널에 따르면 지난 10여 년간 위조 시장이 17배 이상 확대됐습니다. 1년에 250억 달러 이상의 위조품이 온라인상에 판매되고 있습니다”라며 위조제품 유통의 문제점을 지적했다. 인터넷을 통한 짝퉁 명품 사건은 이미 몇 차례 사회적인 파장을 일으켰다. 이후 온라인 쇼핑몰 업체들이 자체적으로 각종 감시 장치를 가동시키고 있지만 인터넷을 통한 가짜 상품의 판매는 쉽게 근절되지 않고 있다. 판매자와 소비자가 자유롭게 물건을 거래하는 오픈 마켓의 특성상 100% 병행 수입을 통한 명품으로 이뤄지기 때문에 짝퉁과 명품의 진위를 구별하기 어렵기 때문이다. 현재 수입 자유화 정책 이후 수입명품이 여러 경로를 통해 들어오면서 현지 수입 단계에서부터 짝퉁 제품이 은밀히 끼워져 유통되고 있다는 것이 유통업계의 정설이다. 또한 이들 제품의 상당수가 인터넷 경매나 쇼핑몰 등 온라인

[더리뷰] (주)스피드옥션 송충근 회장,npl및 경매

(주) 스피드옥션 송충근 회장 양질의 정보와 서비스를 갖춘 최고의 재테크 파트너 “쌓아온 신뢰를 바탕으로 통합 경매 서비스를 제공하겠다” 지난 4월1일 발표된 부동산 종합대책을 시작으로 부동산 시장의 순조가 예상된다. 4주가량이 지난 현재, 부동산 시장이 적극적인 후속대책을 기다리며 관망세를 보이고 있는 것과 달리 부동산 경매시장은 벌써부터 후끈 달아오르고 있다. 이에 경매 정보 회사 중 국내에 가장 많은 회원 수를 보유하고 있는 (주)스피드옥션의 송충근 회장을 만나 보았다.   경매 관련 통합 정보 서비스 제공 송충근 회장은 최근 눈코 뜰 새 없이 분주한 하루를 보내고 있다. 그만큼 송 회장을 찾는 이가 많기 때문이다. 그가 운영하는 스피드옥션은 2006년 첫 걸음을 내딛은 이래 정확한 정보 제공으로 창립 5개월 만에 회원 수가 8만 명에 육박하는 등 단기간에 급성장했다. 현재 30만 명에 가까운 회원 수를 보유하고 있는 스피드옥션은 단순한 경매정보 제공을 넘어서 보다 차별화 된 토털 경매 서비스를 제공하는 것으로 유명하다. 송 회장은 “급변하는 부동산 시장의 시대적 흐름을 파악하고 빠르고 정확한 부동산 경매정보를 제공하는 게 우리의 목표”라며 “타 회사와 다른 종합적인 경매 서비스를 제공해 고객이 보다 쉽게 그리고 편리하게 부동산 경매에 참여할 수 있도록 만반의 준비를 다하고 있다”고 전했다. 스피드옥션은 부동산의 종합검색과 법원별 검색, 특수물건 검색 등 다양하고 찾기 쉬운 검색방법으로 빠른 시간에 원하는 물건을 정확하고 자세하게 검색할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 회원 개인의 성향에 따른 관심물건, 컨설팅 의뢰관리 등 사용자의 편의대로 물건을 검색하고 관리할 수 있다. 또한 경매강좌 메뉴를 통해 유명 강사의 동영상 강의와 전국 각 지방대학교의 경매강의를 제공하며 경매자료실에서는 입찰참여방법과 경매서식 뿐 아니라 최근 제정된 경매관련법률, 판례 공시지가 확인 등 경매에 관한 각종 자료를 제공한다. 송 회장은 “부